15 aprile 2006

Veronique Birthday

Nonostante la gamba "swollen" , Veronique è riuscita ad approdare da Los Angeles a Pescia e a festeggiare il suo compleanno nella ridente e Toscana. Il posto mitico e il cibo ancor di più!
Some pictures for Mona and friends!!!!

al prossimo rientro in Italia, wainting for Mona.


Anonymous Anonimo said...

Francesca, thank you for sharing the pictures. They're beautiful!!!!! I felt like I was there in Italy with you celebrating Veronica's birthday... and eating those delicious desserts... mmmm.... Hopefully, I'll be able to come visit some time soon.
But, I have to ask, what is happening between you and Lorenzo??? :)

17/4/06 13:49  
Blogger Francesca said...

Well you have Veronique,I have to be content with Lorenzo.

18/4/06 11:01  
Blogger Francesca said...


18/4/06 11:02  
Anonymous Anonimo said...

ma che razza e' quello splendido cane nero che compare nelle foto di veronique birthday ?

31/12/06 00:57  

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